Colorado Solar for All

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded Colorado $156 million through its “Solar for All” competition, which was established by the federal Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. The Colorado Solar for All (COS4A) program will help accelerate widespread adoption of rooftop and distributed solar in Colorado, moving Colorado closer to the goal of 100% clean energy by 2040 while improving air quality, lowering energy bills, and increasing energy independence.

COS4A is an income-qualified program that will support all three installation types described in the EPA’s program application guidance: single family rooftop solar, multifamily rooftop solar, and community solar (for residential subscribers). The program will work with competitively selected, industry-leading partners to deliver, install, operate, and manage the solar assets.

The EPA does not expect to contract to provide funds until late 2024. Colorado, like most states, will take a year to plan before launching a program. The Colorado Energy Office will work as quickly as possible to develop the program and communicate progress.

Potential partners can sign-up for updates on the Colorado Solar For All program below:

Sign-up for COS4A potential partner updates

Contact Information
Please reach out to idamae.isaac@state.co.us with any questions about the program.


Type: TBD

For: Low-income Colorado residents via competitively selected project partners

Amount: $156 million total

Program length: 5 years from award