Colorado Carbon Management Roadmap
Exploring carbon management opportunities to help us meet our climate goals.
On behalf of the State of Colorado, the Colorado Energy Office (CEO) is working with a qualified contractor to develop a Colorado Carbon Management Roadmap. This roadmap will identify the carbon management, climate, and economic opportunities available in Colorado that best leverage Colorado's natural resources, industry, labor force, and economic development capabilities.
Carbon management includes carbon dioxide removal, carbon capture, carbon sequestration or storage, and carbon utilization.
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Project Background
Achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in Colorado will require strategies to eliminate emissions across all sectors of the economy. While advancements in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and electrification will drive the majority of the State’s emissions reductions, carbon management will play an important role in reaching our climate goals.
The Carbon Management law (HB23-1210) directs the Colorado Energy Office to develop a Carbon Management Roadmap to guide policy and regulatory frameworks for the State of Colorado. The Colorado Carbon Management Roadmap is currently in development. We anticipate publishing a final version of the Carbon Management Roadmap in early 2025.
Stakeholder Engagement and Public Comment
CEO hosted several stakeholder engagement opportunities this summer to inform the initial Carbon Management Roadmap draft. This included roundtables with experts and virtual and in-person community meetings across the state.
On November 21, CEO held a virtual public comment listening session on the Carbon Management Roadmap draft. During this session, CEO presented an overview of the roadmap draft, then provided time for questions and public comment.
Watch Roadmap overview recording
View Roadmap overview presentation slides
View Draft Carbon Management Roadmap
CEO is no longer accepting public comments on the Draft Carbon Management Roadmap.
What is carbon management?
While Colorado’s primary strategy to address climate change is transitioning to 100% clean electricity to power energy efficient buildings, vehicles, and industry, carbon management will play an important supporting role in achieving Colorado’s net-zero emissions target by 2050. Carbon Management includes:
- Carbon dioxide removal (CDR): Capturing carbon directly from the air, regardless of the location and source of the emissions. CDR includes nature-based strategies, such as soil-based carbon storage, wildland conservation and restoration, and forest management; and technological strategies, such as direct air capture.
- Point-source carbon capture: Capturing carbon directly at the source before it reaches the air. This method will help meet emissions reduction goals in hard-to-decarbonize sectors where other strategies, such as energy efficiency and electrification, cannot fully eliminate emissions.
- Carbon utilization: Turning captured carbon into valuable products such as fuels, chemicals, and building materials like concrete.
- Carbon storage (sequestration): Permanently storing captured carbon in suitable underground geologic formations that ensure the safety of surface habitats and underground sources of drinking water.