Local Government Community E-Bike Rebate Grant Program

The Local Government Community E-Bike Rebate Grant Program will provide funding to local and Tribal governments for the development and implementation of local e-bike rebate programs in their communities. The goals of this program are to:

  • Increase access to e-bikes for income-qualified individuals, while maximizing air quality benefits and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions 
  • Represent the geographic diversity of Colorado communities

Rebate program design

Local and Tribal governments have a great deal of flexibility in designing e-bike rebate programs to best suit their own communities. In applying for this grant, applicants should take into account local access to e-bike retailers, populations served, administrative costs, program timing, and staff capacity to run the program. The Colorado Energy Office (CEO) has determined the following specifications for local e-bike rebate programs funded through this grant:

  • Rebates can be point-of-sale, where a retailer offers a discount on the e-bike at the time of purchase, or post-sale, where  an individual is reimbursed after purchasing an e-bike. 
  • Rebates must be for low- and moderate-income community residents:
    • To meet the income-qualifications for the low-income rebate, household income must be below 80% of the area median income.
    • To meet the income-qualifications for the moderate-income rebate, household income must be between 80% - 100% of the area median income
    • Although the Colorado Energy Office (CEO)  has defined the income eligibility requirements, grant applicants have flexibility in how to verify and qualify individuals on these income requirements. Applicants may design a rebate program that has one or more incentive levels.
  • Rebates may cover both e-bikes and equipment.
  • Rebates may not be stacked with the statewide rebate.
  • While there is no minimum price threshold, the maximum prices allowed for e-bikes are:
    • $5,000 for e-bikes
    • $8,500 for e-cargo bikes
    • $8,500 for adaptive e-bikes

Request for application (RFA) documents

Applicants can view and download all RFA documents in the folder linked below.

Download all RFA materials

How to apply

Please submit full applications via email to  sarah.thorne@state.co.us no later than 5:00 PM MT on November 30, 2023.

If you have any issues accessing the RFA documents, please reach out to sarah.thorne@state.co.us.


Click the link to view public responses to the questions received during the Q&A period. 

View Q&A responses

Key activities and dates

Activity Date
RFA release October 12, 2023
Deadline to submit questions October 25, 2023, 5:00 PM MT
RFA answers posted October 27, 2023
RFA application submission deadline November 30, 2023, 5:00 PM MT
Evaluation of RFA proposals December 1 - 15, 2023
Notification of awards (approximate) Week of December 18, 2023