A prosperous, clean energy future for Colorado.
Colorado is transforming the energy sector to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and preserve our state for generations to come. The Colorado Energy Office develops programs and promotes energy policies to realize this goal. Our programs, policies, and funding opportunities work to reduce emissions through zero-emission transportation, electrification, renewable energy, and energy efficiency for residents, businesses, community organizations, and public institutions.
Our Mission
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and consumer energy costs by advancing clean energy, energy efficiency and zero emission vehicles to benefit all Coloradans.

Colorado is a national leader in climate and social justice.
Climate change, energy production, and its associated emissions are social justice issues.
As Colorado moves toward a clean energy future, it is essential that we include disproportionately impacted communities in decision-making processes and enact policies that ensure all Coloradans benefit from this transition.
View our Energy and Social Justice page to learn more.
View Energy and Social Justice
Clean Energy Programs
The Colorado Energy Office develops and promotes a variety of clean energy programs to support residents, businesses, community organizations and public institutions.