Weatherization Assistance Program

Colorado’s Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)

No-cost weatherization services for qualified residents and homes.

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Our Weatherization Assistance Program helps income-qualified Coloradans save money, increase comfort, and improve their homes and the environment with proven energy conservation solutions.  

What is weatherization? Weatherization protects homes from the elements, including cold, heat, water, and wind. It also reduces energy use and improves your home’s energy efficiency. For example, weatherizing your home can include installing insulation and sealing air leaks to help maintain a comfortable indoor temperature and improve indoor air quality. Together, these measures can reduce your energy bills, make your home more comfortable, and increase residents’ safety.
Sign up for updates on the Weatherization program

Income Eligibility 

Note: Meeting income requirements alone does not guarantee services will be provided. Program availability may depend on current funding and may vary based on your utility provider. Eligible households may be placed on a waiting list, with timelines varying based on program demand and capacity. Please contact your local weatherization service provider for the most current information about program status and estimated wait times.  

Income eligibility is determined by county, household size, and household income or through current enrollment in any of the assistance programs listed below. The WAP Income Eligibility Chart indicates the highest eligible income level for each county based on area median income, state median income, or the federal poverty line. Find your county’s income limit:
View WAP Income Eligibility Chart

For households with more than 10 people, please contact your local weatherization service provider.

If you currently receive financial assistance from any of the following programs, you may automatically qualify for services:

  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)  
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)  
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)  
  • Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP/LEAP)

Read the WAP FAQs for more information.


For renters: 
Qualified renters may receive WAP services with Landlord permission.


For applicants in apartments or condos: 
You may qualify for WAP if you currently live in a building with five units or more. Please ask your Facilities Manager to contact Energy Outreach Colorado (EOC) at (303) 226-5059.


For manufactured homes: 
Manufactured residences may be eligible for the program. RVs are not eligible.

To confirm your household eligibility for WAP services, please contact the appropriate weatherization service provider based on your county of residence.

How It Works

Colorado's Weather Assistance Program (WAP)

WAP partners with local agencies throughout the state to provide weatherization services to income-qualified residents. Please use the map below under “Find Your Weatherization Service Provider” to determine your local provider.

Step 1.

Complete an application
Apply online or reach out to your local service provider to get started. They can assist with the application process.

Step 2.

Schedule a free home energy audit
Once your application is approved, your service provider will do an audit to identify appropriate efficiency measures for your home.

Step 3.

Schedule service
A qualified crew of technicians will make the improvements to your home.

Step 4.

Schedule inspection to assure quality and completion of the work
This will ensure you receive the best quality services

Step 5.

Save energy, save money, and enjoy a more comfortable home!

Both homeowners and renters can apply for services. See the “How to Apply” section below for more details.

Note: Homes that have been weatherized within the previous 15 years are not eligible for re-weatherization. If you are unsure if your home has been previously weatherized, please contact your local weatherization service provider.

Find Your Weatherization Service Provider

The Colorado Weatherization Assistance Program works with verified local service providers around the state. Your county’s local weatherization service provider will help you navigate the application process, perform the energy audit, and install weatherization upgrades. Search your address or click your county on the map to find your local weatherization service provider. You can also use the list below the map to identify the service provider for your county. View the map in its own window


  • Arapahoe County Weatherization Division, (303) 636-1982 
    Counties served: Arapahoe, Adams
  • Energy Resource Center  
    • Denver Metro Regional Office: Denver, (720) 236-1321 
      Counties served: Broomfield, Denver, Jefferson, Gilpin
    • Northern Regional Office: Berthoud, (970) 617-2801 
      Counties served: Boulder, Larimer, Weld
    • Northeastern Regional Office: Sterling, (970) 463-7020 
      Counties served: Logan, Morgan, Phillips, Sedgwick, Washington, Yuma
    • Pikes Peak Regional Office: Colorado Springs, (719) 591-0772 
      Counties served: Cheyenne, El Paso, Douglas, Elbert, Fremont, Kit Carson, Lincoln, Teller
    • San Luis Valley Regional Office: Alamosa, (719) 587-9492 
      Counties served: Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Mineral, Rio Grande, Saguache

Interested in a career in energy efficiency? Find open positions in the WAP Network on the WAP Careers page!
Learn More about Careers in WAP

How To Apply

People who live in Colorado can apply online or reach out to their local weatherization service provider to request a paper application mailed to their home.
Apply Online

For technical assistance with the online application, email ceo_energysalesforce@state.co.us. Please provide any feedback you have about your application experience through the short survey after you submit your application.

A PDF of the Weatherization Assistance Program Application is available for review: 
View Application

Common Weatherization Services

A home energy audit is required and free. Based on the results of the energy audit, you may receive:

Energy conservation education

Air infiltration sealing

Insulation in attic, floors, and walls

Furnace repair or replacement

LED light bulbs

High efficiency appliances

Air source heat pumps (offered on a limited basis to qualifying homes)

Participants are not guaranteed to receive all services outlined above. The services you receive will be based on your home’s individual needs identified during the energy audit.

Appealing if Services are Denied 

If you are denied WAP services, you have the right to appeal. You must appeal to your local weatherization service provider within 30 days after your application was denied. After your local weatherization service provider responds, you may also appeal to the Colorado Energy Office Weatherization Program.

Please submit your appeal in writing and mail to: 
Colorado Energy Office
Weatherization Program Manager
1600 Broadway, Suite 1960
Denver, CO 80202

Request for Applications: High Country WAP Community Solar Grant Program 

Released: March 11, 2025 
Application Deadline (must be submitted electronically): April 11, 2025, 12:00 PM MT

Concerning a program to reduce energy burden for income-eligible utility rate payers that participated in the Weatherization Assistance Program.
View the Request for Applications