Community Access Enterprise

Colorado's Community Access Enterprise

Investing in electric transportation for Colorado’s clean energy future.

In 2021, the Colorado legislature created the Community Access Enterprise (CAE) to support statewide use of electric transportation options. The Enterprise invests in transportation infrastructure that makes it easier for Coloradans to transition to electric vehicles (EVs). It also provides funding to offset the cost of electric vehicles, e-bikes, and other electric alternatives to gas- and diesel-fueled vehicles.

Alongside the Community Access Enterprise, SB21-260 created two other transportation electrification enterprises in Colorado:

  • The Clean Transit Enterprise at the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) supports transit electrification through studies, transit site upgrades, procurement of electric transit buses, and deployment of associated charging infrastructure.
  • The Clean Fleet Enterprise at Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) provides grants to support the transition of motor vehicle fleets to electric vehicles and other clean fleet technologies.

How the Community Access Enterprise Helps Coloradans

Over its first decade, the Community Access Enterprise is expected to receive approximately $310 million in funding. The Community Access Enterprise will distribute this funding through grants, rebates, and other incentive packages for residents, businesses and industry partners, and government agencies.

The following programs are partially or wholly funded by the CAE:
Charge Ahead Colorado
EV Fast-Charging Plazas
Community Accelerated Mobility Project (CAMP)
Vehicle Exchange Colorado (VXC)
E-Cargo Bike Grant Program
Fleet Zero-Emission Resource Opportunity (Fleet-ZERO)

Electric Transportation System Programming Dashboard

The Community Access Enterprise (CAE) is required by Colorado law (SB21-260) to create, maintain, and update a dashboard that summarizes the project status of all transportation programs that receive funding from the Community Access Enterprise. This dashboard also includes electric transportation system programs that receive funding from other sources. This dashboard will be updated twice a year. The last update was September 10, 2024.

Use the dropdown options to filter the data by fiscal year, program, CAE funding, project county (if applicable), project status, and disproportionately impacted community (DIC) classification. DIC classification is based on the Transportation Equity Screening Tool. Please note that some projects do not have a defined address and therefore do not have a DIC classification.

Note: As of January 2024, DIC classification is determined by the Statewide DIC definition, which is reflected in the Transportation Equity Screening Tool linked above.
View Dashboard in Full Screen

Community Access Enterprise Leadership

The Community Access Enterprise Board of Directors governs the CAE. This Board includes four Governor-appointed members, as well as members from CDOT, CDPHE, and Colorado Energy Office (CEO).
View the Governing Bylaws for the Community Access Enterprise

Current CAE Board members:

  • Reverend Eugene Downing - New Hope Baptist Church - Chair
  • Laura Getts - Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association - Vice Chair
  • Paul Bony - Yampa Valley Sustainability Council
  • Ryan Hurst - Motiv Power Systems, Inc.
  • Megan McCarthy -  Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
  • Issamar Pichardo - Colorado Energy Office
  • Darius Pakbaz - Colorado Department of Transportation

Get Involved

CAE board meetings are open to the public to watch. The next monthly meeting is Thursday, March 13 from 10:00 - 11:30 AM MT.
Register for CAE board meetings
View meeting agendas and materials 
Sign up for updates from the CAE

For more information about the CAE, please email ceo_communityaccessenterprise@state.co.us.