In June 2021, Governor Polis signed SB21-260 which creates new sources of dedicated transportation funding and new state enterprises to enable a sustainable transportation system. The law will help modernize the infrastructure needed to support the widespread adoption of electric motor vehicles and mitigate adverse environmental and health impacts of transportation system use.
SB21-260 creates three new transportation electrification enterprises: the Clean Transit Enterprise housed in the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), the Clean Fleet Enterprise housed in the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), and the Community Access Enterprise housed in the Colorado Energy Office (CEO).
The Community Access Enterprise supports the widespread adoption of electric motor vehicles, equitably invests in transportation infrastructure, and incentivizes the acquisition and use of electric motor vehicles and electric alternatives to motor vehicles. Over the first decade, the Community Access Enterprise is expected to receive approximately $310 million to support electric vehicle (EV) charging and hydrogen fueling infrastructure and low and moderate income adoption of EVs and electric bicycles.
Community Access Enterprise Board
The Community Access Enterprise Board includes four Governor-appointed members and executive directors or their designees from CDOT, CDPHE and CEO. Appointed board members will serve terms of three or four years. View the Governing Bylaws for the Community Access Enterprise.
Members of the Community Access Enterprise Board include:
- Reverend Eugene Downing - New Hope Baptist Church - Chair
- Laura Getts - Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association - Vice Chair
- Paul Bony - Yampa Valley Sustainability Council
- Ryan Hurst - Motiv Power Systems, Inc.
- Megan McCarthy - Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
- Issamar Pichardo - Colorado Energy Office
- Darius Pakbaz - Colorado Department of Transportation
Fee Rulemaking
On March 10, 2022, the Community Access Enterprise board unanimously voted to adopt rules establishing the community access retail delivery fee as required by § 24-38.5-303(7), C.R.S. The rule went into effect on July 1, 2022.
In September 2023, the Community Access Enterprise board revised the fee rule to exempt small businesses as required by Senate Bill 23-143.
Ten-Year Plan
According to SB21-260, the enterprise is required to develop a 10-Year Plan that covers fiscal years 2022-2023 through 2031-2032 and outlines how the enterprise will meet its business purpose. The plan is a high-level set of recommendations of approximate spending for new and existing programs, with more detailed proposals for Years 1-3. The plan was informed by a literature review of plans and programs, stakeholder engagement and public comment, a gap analysis, and input and comments from the Community Access Enterprise board and state staff.
The Community Access Enterprise board of directors voted unanimously to approve the Ten-Year Plan on May 14, 2022.
Community Access Enterprise Programs
The following programs are funded, in whole or in part, by the Community Access Enterprise. Click on each program link to learn more.
Electric Transportation Programming Dashboard
Community Access Enterprise (CAE) and Other Funding Sources
The Community Access Enterprise (CAE) is required by law (SB21-260) to create, maintain, and update a dashboard that summarizes the project status of all transportation programs that receive funding from the Community Access Enterprise. The dashboard also includes electric transportation programs that receive funding from other sources. This dashboard will be updated twice a year, around February and August. The last update was March 4, 2023.
Users can filter the data on the dashboard by fiscal year, program, CAE funding, project county (if applicable), project status, and disproportionately impacted community (DIC) classification. DIC classification is based on the Transportation Equity Screening Tool (if applicable). Please note that some projects do not have a defined address and therefore do not have a DIC classification.
Note: As of January 2024, DIC classification is determined by the Statewide DIC definition, which is reflected in the Transportation Equity Screening Tool linked above.
SB21-260 requires the enterprise to prepare an annual report regarding its activities and funding. The annual reports for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23, July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023) and previous years are linked below.
Other Reports
Regulatory Agenda
SB21-260 requires the CAE to file an annual Regulatory Agenda with the Colorado Secretary of State.
Board Meetings
The Community Access Enterprise Board meets on the second Thursday of each month from 10:00-11:30 a.m. The next meeting will take place on Thursday, August 8, 2024 from 10:00 - 11:30 AM MT.
See all Meeting Minutes, Recordings, Agendas, and Presentations
Minutes for each meeting will be posted in the meeting materials folder linked above after approval by the Board in the following meeting.
All meetings are open to the public. To attend, register using the following link:
Stay Informed
If you would like to be included in updates about the Community Access Enterprise, please sign-up below:
For more information about the CAE, please email