About Colorado Energy Office

About Colorado Energy Office

Building a Clean Energy Future

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The Colorado Energy Office (CEO) develops programs and promotes energy policies to fight climate change, improve air quality, and save Coloradans money.

CEO plays a central role in building an equitable, clean energy economy. We advance a clean energy agenda, provide funding and technical assistance, and ensure the benefits of the clean energy transition are shared statewide. 

Promoting equity and environmental justice in Colorado is the core of our work. We strive to ensure innovation in energy generation, the built environment, land use, and transportation benefits marginalized and disproportionately impacted communities across the state.

Our Mission

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and consumer energy costs by advancing clean energy, energy efficiency, and accessibility of zero emission vehicles to benefit all Coloradans.

Our Vision

A prosperous, clean-energy future for Colorado.

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) principles form the core of the clean and prosperous future we envision for Colorado. We have a lot to do before we meet our goals. 

Learn more about Environmental Justice on our Energy and Social Justice page.
View Energy and Social Justice

Illustration Depicting Community


CEO's Teams

The Colorado Energy Office is structured into the following program areas and functions:


Building Decarbonization

  • Supports energy efficiency, electrification, and on-site renewable generation for new and existing homes and businesses 
  • Provides financial and technical assistance, training programs, workforce development and other support to help decarbonize the building sector


Communications & Engagement

  • Increases awareness and engagement with CEO initiatives through communications and outreach to diverse communities across the state
  • Promotes climate and energy initiatives to residents, businesses, and stakeholders through public communications, community events, and targeted outreach
  • Delivers compelling, timely, and accessible information to support CEO’s mission
  • Supports climate workforce development through strategic partnerships with local workforce efforts


Finance & Operations

  • Ensures the financial integrity of the office 
  • Creates internal processes that promote efficient and effective operations 
  • Works with all other teams to ensure CEO meets its responsibilities, including reporting requirements, in a timely and complete manner


Policy & Regulatory Affairs

  • Represents the Energy Office in proceedings at the Public Utilities Commission and Air Quality Control Commission 
  • Represents the Energy Office at the General Assembly
  • Researches and supports clean energy opportunities and addresses market barriers


Strategic Initiatives & Financing (SIFI)

  • Offers access to financing and grants for clean energy projects in the commercial, industrial, and public sectors 
  • Provides technical assistance to public and private sector entities seeking to reduce energy use at their facilities 
  • Supports emerging technologies and innovation to address hard to decarbonize sectors



  • Reduces transportation-related emissions by accelerating adoption of zero-emission transportation options, such as electric vehicles and electric bicycles 
  • Provides funding for businesses, nonprofit organizations, multifamily housing, fleets, and local governments to support electric vehicle charging infrastructure across the state 
  • Educates Colorado residents, businesses, and local governments about electric vehicles 
  • Offers financial incentives for Colorado residents to choose lower emission transportation options 
  • Supports transportation and land use planning strategies and policies that promote compact, walkable communities and improve alternatives to driving


Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)

  • Works with weatherization service providers to provide no-cost home energy improvements to income-qualified households in Colorado 
  • Helps income-qualified residents save money, increase comfort, and better their homes and environment through proven, energy conservation solutions


Local Government & Climate Solutions

  • Coordinates with local governments on policy and project implementation efforts that build resilience and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Collaborates with CEO teams and other state agencies to support local efforts to lower emissions from buildings, transportation, and industry, while encouraging strategic land use planning and increased solar adoption.

Rows of Solar Panels in a Snow Covered Field

Legislative Policy Snapshots

The Colorado General Assembly meets annually between January and May for a 120-day legislative session. CEO monitors legislation at the state and federal levels to support policy aligned with our mission and vision. 

For a brief overview of the clean buildings, climate action, environmental justice, transportation electrification, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and just transition legislation that passed during the 2024 session, see CEO’s 2024 Legislative Snapshot.
View 2024 Legislative Snapshot

See summaries of climate legislation from previous sessions.
View Climate Legislation Summaries

Annual Performance Plans

The Colorado Energy Office publishes a yearly performance plan to ensure we deliver on our mission and vision.
View Annual Performance Plans

Rows of Solar Panels in a Snow Covered Field

Contracting Opportunities with CEO

Documented Quotes: www.colorado.gov/VSS 

Requests for Proposals: www.colorado.gov/VSS or https://www.bidnetdirect.com