Cannabis Resource Optimization Program (CROP)
CROP improves energy efficiency in commercial cannabis cultivation.
Funding Overview:
Eligibility: Indoor Cannabis Cultivators
Application Rounds: First come, first served
See full eligibility requirements below.
Colorado’s cannabis grow facilities use an estimated 2% of all the electricity generated in Colorado. Between electricity use, natural gas and propane, energy costs make up approximately 33% of Colorado cannabis cultivators’ operating costs. Energy efficiency measures can save cannabis cultivation facilities money on energy costs and reduce resource use.
Learn more about energy and cannabis cultivation in the CEO’s Energy Use in the Colorado Cannabis Industry Report.
View Industry Report
The Colorado Energy Office will host an informational webinar on October 1, 2024 at 1:00 PM MT.
Register for informational webinar
How CROP is Transforming Cannabis Cultivation
CROP provides eligible cannabis cultivation businesses with no-cost technical assistance, including a facility audit and analysis of previous resource use. These audits help cultivators better understand their energy and water use and identify resource management opportunities.
CEO also partners with the Colorado Clean Energy Fund (CCEF) and a lending institution to coordinate financing to help program participants implement efficiency measures. Other project funding and financing options, such as utility rebates, may also be available.
Please contact with any programmatic questions.
CROP Technical Assistance and Financing Eligibility Requirements
To participate in CROP technical assistance, cultivation facilities must meet the following requirements:
- Must be a cannabis cultivation facility registered with the State of Colorado
- Must not already have access to energy-specific technical assessments through a utility provider*
*Xcel Energy, Black Hills Energy, and Platte River Power Authority (Estes Park, Fort Collins, Longmont, & Loveland utilities) customers are not currently eligible for CROP technical assistance. We encourage cannabis cultivators in these utility service areas to access their utility’s technical assessment offerings.
How It Works
Cannabis Resource Optimization Program (CROP): Technical Assistance and Financing
Renewable energy assessments are also available upon request.

Download and complete the CROP Application: Technical Assistance and Financing
Be sure to double check eligibility before submitting.

Submit the application via email
Send it to Be sure to include two recent utility bills.

Schedule your onsite facility audit
Once accepted, a representative from Resource Innovations will reach out to schedule your onsite process audit. Collect your operation’s resource usage data to prepare.

Review your audit report
Consider the recommendations in the report and work with Resource Innovations to identify priorities to improve efficiency.

Identify financing opportunities
Work with Resource Innovations to apply for incentive programs available to implement improvements.

Secure financing
Work with Resource Innovations and the Colorado Clean Energy Fund to apply for financing to make resource efficiency improvements.

Additional Resources
Watch the informational webinar below for more details about the program, facility audits, financing, and applying to the program.
Watch CROP Informational Webinar
The Colorado Energy Office has partnered with Resource Innovation Institute to offer a cannabis specific benchmarking platform for Colorado's cannabis cultivators. PowerScore is a free resource benchmarking and reporting platform. The platform enables cultivation facilities to benchmark their operational efficiency and productivity relative to industry standard Key Performance Indicators on energy, emissions, and water.
Cultivators whose local utility offers technical assistance can find more information about their utility’s programs by visiting the utility’s website.
You can find additional cannabis-specific sustainability information on the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment’s Greening the Cannabis Industry webpage.