Energy Code Adoption & Enforcement Grant Program

The Energy Code Adoption & Enforcement Grant Program is authorized by House Bill 22-1362 to support local governments with adoption, implementation, and enforcement of the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) or an equivalent code, the state's model electric ready and solar ready code or an equivalent code, and the model low energy and carbon code that the Energy Code Board will develop or an equivalent code.

Applications are now open for Energy Code Adoption & Enforcement Grant funding. Please submit applications no later than September 20, 2024, 5:00 PM MT. More information is available in the sections below.

The Colorado Energy Office hosted an informational webinar on this grant opportunity in July 2023.

View Recording of the Informational Webinar

View the Informational Webinar Slide Deck

Contact information
Shannon Bauman, shannon.bauman@state.co.us


Type: Grant

For: Local governments

Amount: $2.84 million total

Program Length: July 2023 until funds are expended

Funding cycle: Quarterly; Current application round closes September 20, 2024, 5:00 PM MT


This program is now supported by federal funds through the Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. The updated Request for Applications includes additional eligible costs, reimbursement options, and priorities for funding. This includes cost analysis for code adoption as well as coverage of indirect costs.

The following applicant types are eligible for funding through this program:

  • Local governments
  • Partnerships of local governments
  • Councils of governments or non-profit organizations applying on behalf of local governments

Local governments may use this funding to cover the costs of technical consultants; staff time; code adoption cost analysis; outreach and engagement activities; training and workforce development; compliance planning, review, and verification; improvements to the code enforcement process; and deployment of innovative enforcement and compliance tools.

Please refer to the Request for Applications document below for additional information about eligibility and covered costs under the Energy Code Adoption & Enforcement Grant Program.

View Request for Applications

Local governments applying individually are eligible for up to $125,000.

Partnerships of local governments are eligible for up to $250,000 (with no one partner allowed to receive more than $125,000).

Application materials are available to download in the Energy Code Adoption & Enforcement Grant Program RFA folder linked below. This folder includes the Request for Applications, a Budget Template with example budget lines, a Sample Emissions Reduction Calculation, a Sample Attestation Form, and the Disproportionately Impacted Community Determination Guidance document.

View Energy Code Adoption & Enforcement Grant RFA Folder

Please email your completed application to Shannon Bauman, shannon.bauman@state.co.us no later than September 20, 2024 at 5:00 PM MT.

Please direct any questions regarding the application process, application materials, or funding deadlines to Shannon Bauman, shannon.bauman@state.co.us.