Home Energy Rebate Program Frequently Asked Questions

Home Energy Rebate Program FAQs

What are the Colorado Home Energy Rebate Programs?

The Home Energy Rebate Programs will provide discounts to qualified Coloradans for home energy efficiency improvements and electrification upgrades. Two different types of rebates will be available:

  • The Home Efficiency Rebates (HOMES) will provide whole home energy efficiency upgrades for mobile/manufactured homes and large multifamily buildings. Rebates will target measures that will maximize energy savings. Rebate amounts will vary based on household income and expected energy savings.
  • The Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates (HEAR) will provide discounts on electrical equipment and appliance upgrades for eligible households with income less than 150% of the Area Median Income (AMI) in their county. The Colorado Energy Office (CEO) will provide HEAR rebates for electric upgrades such as heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, and electric load service centers and wiring. CEO is currently administering a portion of HEAR funding through the Colorado Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). The remainder of the HEAR funding will cover direct-to-consumer rebates for eligible Coloradans.

When will the rebates be available?

The initial phase of the HEAR program launched through the Colorado Weatherization Assistance Program on October 30, 2024.
Learn more about the Weatherization Assistance Program

CEO anticipates launching both the HOMES and HEAR programs statewide by summer 2025. 
Sign up for updates on the Home Energy Rebate Programs

Who is eligible for rebates?

  • Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates (HEAR) will be available to Coloradans with low-to-moderate incomes. Rebate amounts will differ for low-income and moderate-income residents. Residents with a household income up to 80% of the AMI in their county are considered low-income, and residents with a household income between 81% and 150% of the AMI in their county are considered moderate-income. HEAR program rebates will be available for improvements in both single-family homes and multifamily buildings smaller than 50,000 square feet. 
  • Home Efficiency Rebates (HOMES) will be available for mobile/manufactured homes (see “What Counts as a Mobile Home”) and large multifamily buildings (50,000 square feet or larger) to make comprehensive home improvements to reduce energy use. Projects must reduce home or building energy use by at least 20%, with larger rebates available for projects exceeding 35% in energy savings. 

Can I participate in both programs?

A household may participate in both the HOMES and HEAR programs as long as it meets the income and eligibility requirements for each of them. Neither the HOMES nor HEAR rebates may be combined with other federal grants or rebates for the same single upgrade.

I need a home energy upgrade now. What should I do?

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) does not recommend that households wait to accomplish needed home energy upgrades or projects. Households looking for financial assistance to make home energy upgrades before these rebates are available may be eligible for Colorado’s Weatherization Assistance Program or other financial incentives, such as state tax credits, federal tax credits and utility rebates.  

Visit the DOE Energy Savings Hub for more information on energy-saving purchases that qualify for federal rebates and tax credits. You can take advantage of up to $3,200 in federal tax credits now. More information is available on the IRS website.

For heating emergencies in Colorado, call 1-855-469-4328.

If I am a participant in another government funded home improvement program, can I still participate in the Colorado Home Energy Rebates?

Yes. As long as multiple federal funding sources are not applied to the same single upgrade, Colorado residents may combine incentives from other programs with the Home Energy Rebates, including but not limited to local utility rebates.

What documents will I need to submit in my application?

Households will be required to include a valid ID (i.e., driver’s license, passport, etc.), proof of Colorado residency and/or property owner authorization (i.e., utility bill, lease agreement), and proof of income qualification. More details on acceptable documentation will be available closer to program launch.

How can I determine the income limits for my county?

Information regarding area median income (AMI) by county is available through the database linked below from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). 
Find your county's AMI

How does the rebate payment process work?

Coloradans must install improvements through a registered contractor with the State of Colorado. Registered contractors will receive the rebate and deduct the rebate amount from the total project cost, providing an upfront discount at the time of installation.

Will I be taxed on the rebate amount?

No, the rebates are considered a reduction in the purchase price of each measure. As a result, the resident will not be required to report the rebate as income.

Can I get a rebate for a new home or building?

No, CEO will not issue rebates for new construction.

Can I get the rebates retroactively?

No, CEO will only issue rebates for projects implemented after the official launch of the Colorado Home Energy Rebate Program.

Do I have to use a specific contractor to receive a rebate?

Yes. CEO will publish a list of registered program contractors when the program launches. Residents must use a registered contractor from this list to receive a rebate. 

How do I become a registered contractor for the Colorado Home Energy Rebate Programs?

CEO will release a contractor application closer to program launch, where contractors will submit business licenses, insurance information, certifications, and other relevant information. CEO will release full details soon.
Sign up for Home Energy Rebate Program Contractor Updates

I’m interested in learning more about the Colorado Home Energy Rebate Programs. How can I stay updated?

Sign up updates on the Home Energy Rebate programs

Please review all the information on this webpage before reaching out. If you still have questions regarding IRA Home Energy Rebates, reach out to ceo_buildingdecarb@state.co.us or call (720)-213-6797.