DENVER – Thursday, April 23, 2020 – Colorado Energy Office (CEO) Executive Director Will Toor will present the Colorado Electric Vehicle Plan 2020 at the next meeting of the Colorado Electric Vehicle Coalition (CEVC). The meeting will also include presentations from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), Regional Air Quality Council (RAQC) and City and County of Denver.
CEO chairs the CEVC, a stakeholder group consisting of communities, utilities, industry, auto manufacturers and dealers, trade groups, government, non-profits, academia, research and other electric vehicle advocates. This umbrella coalition meets every two months and has six subgroups. The CEVC contributes to the development of state policy, studies and standards.
WHEN: Thursday, April 23, 2020 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
10:00-10:10 Introductions
10:10-10:45 Colorado EV Plan 2020 - Will Toor, CEO
10:45-11:05 Impact on Air Quality from COVID-19 - Scott Landes, CDPHE
11:05-11:10 Charge Ahead Colorado Milestone - Addison Phillips, CEO and Matt Mines, RAQC
11:10-11:20 Legislative Update and Rivian Bill - Samantha Lichtin, CEO
11:20-11:40 CEVC Subgroup Reports
- Marketing and Outreach - Sara Goodwin, RAQC and Zach Owens, CEO
- Beneficial Electrification - Zach Owens, CEO and James Lester, PUC
- Retail EV Charging - Mahesh Albuquerque, CDLE
- Transit - Carly Macias, RTD
- Policy - Maria Eisemann, CEO
- EV Equity - Mike Salisbury, City and County of Denver and Maria Eisemann, CEO
11:40-11:50 Denver's EV Action Plan - Ian Snow, City and County of Denver
11:50-12:00 Announcements/Discussion
WHERE: Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 333 434 610
Password: 584271
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