Colorado Electric Vehicle Coalition

Colorado Electric Vehicle Coalition

The Colorado Electric Vehicle Coalition (CEVC) is a stakeholder group consisting of utilities, industry, auto manufacturers and dealers, trade groups, government, non-profit organizations, academia, research, and other industry advocates. The CEVC facilitates information sharing, collaboration, and networking among stakeholders to support Colorado’s vehicle electrification goals, while contributing to the development of state policy, studies, and standards.

The full coalition meets every two months, with periodic subgroup meetings. Subgroups include Beneficial Electrification, Transit, Marketing and Outreach, Micromobility, Retail Charging, and ZEV Workforce Development. 

CEVC meetings occur on the third Thursday of every other month from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM MT. The next meeting will take place on December 19, 2024.
Register to attend CEVC meetings
View past CEVC meeting materials