DCFC Plazas

Direct Current Fast-Charging Plazas Grant

Funding to increase community access to high-speed electric vehicle charging.


Grant Overview:

Eligibility: Businesses & Industry, Government
Amount: $14 million total expected for Spring 2025 application round; $57 million overall  
Match: Varies, up to 50%
Application Rounds: Applications closed. The next round opens in Spring 2025.

The Colorado Energy Office supports initiatives to ensure access to electric vehicle charging stations in Colorado. CEO developed the Direct Current Fast-Charging (DCFC) Plazas program in partnership with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) to increase access to high-speed charging in communities and along highway corridors throughout the state.

The DCFC Plazas program is funded through the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program and the Community Access Enterprise (CAE).

If you have questions about this funding opportunity, please contact tori.petersen@state.co.us.
Sign up to Receive Updates about the DCFC Plazas Program

Eligible Projects

Proposed DCFC locations must take into account proximity of existing and planned DCFC locations. Applicants should reference the project planning map below. Projects should propose high-speed charging sites that increase access to drivers without regular access to home or workplace charging, as well as those in need of quick, convenient charging while traveling.

CDOT and CEO have developed resources to identify charging site gaps along Colorado’s designated alternative fuel corridors and facilitate development of DCFC projects:
National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project Planning Map
DCFC Plazas Program Partnering List

Priority Areas

CEO and CDOT have identified Priority Locations for EV infrastructure in the statewide transportation charging network. These gaps include locations with no charging or where existing charging does not meet NEVI requirements. Projects proposed within these corridor gaps will be prioritized during the evaluation process given their importance in providing NEVI-compliant charging at least every 50 miles along federally-designated Alternative Fuel Corridors. Projects proposed along corridors outside of these areas are still eligible for funding through the Community Access Enterprise.

In order to fill remaining gaps and priority locations, and to reach our NEVI goals, CEO will prioritize funding for proposed projects located in the communities listed as priority areas in the DCFC Plazas Application Guide (see p. 6-7). 

Current Incentives

Incentives are available per charging port, with a minimum of four charging ports required. Ports must deliver a minimum of 150kW power output. The number of vehicles that can be charged effectively at a site at one time determines the incentive amount. Incentive amounts also vary based on location.

View the DCFC Plazas Application guide linked under “How to Apply” for more information on incentive amounts.

Enhanced Incentives

Enhanced incentives are also available for the following applicant or project types:

  • Disproportionately Impacted Communities
  • Battery Integrated Storage (Battery Energy Storage Systems)
  • Standalone Battery Storage

To determine if your project qualifies for the Disproportionately Impacted Communities incentive:
Use the Enhanced Incentive Screening Tool

How to Apply

CEO is not currently accepting applications for this program, but anticipates opening another funding round in Spring 2025. 

Applicants must review the application guide before applying.
View DCFC Plazas Application Guide

Applicants must submit applications online through the grant portal linked below by 5:00 PM MT on the date of the deadline. Future rounds will be announced soon. A Word-formatted application is available to help applicants prepare responses. 
Apply Now 
View Word-formatted Application

Responses to questions submitted during the formal Q&A period are available through the link below.
View Q&A responses

Key Dates

Application Round Opens: Spring 2025
Q&A Deadline: TBD
Q&A Responses posted: TBD
Application Round Closes: TBD

More information about previous funding rounds is available below: 
See Applicant Proposals
See Summary of Awarded Projects