Charge Ahead Colorado


Electric vehicle charging

Charge Ahead Colorado provides grant funding for community-based Level 2 (L2) and DC fast-charging

(DCFC) electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. The objectives of Charge Ahead Colorado are to improve air quality, reduce transportation emissions, and increase adoption of electric vehicles across Colorado.

All Charge Ahead Colorado applicants must read the Charge Ahead Application Guide in full prior to submitting an application. The Application Guide is intended to lead participants through Charge Ahead’s funding process.

View the Charge Ahead Colorado Application Guide


Incentive Amounts

CEO offers grant funding through Charge Ahead Colorado for the eligible costs of a charging station project up to the following maximum incentives, not to exceed the CEO maximum funding percentage:

EV Charging Station Power LevelCEO Maximum FundingMaximum Incentive
Level 2 (Under 19kW), Per Port80%$4,500
19 - 49 kW, Per Port80%$6,250
DCFC, Single-Port (50 - 99kW)80%$35,000
DCFC, Dual-Port (50 - 99kW capable of simultaneous charging at this power level)80%$50,000
DCFC, Single-Port (100kW+)80%$50,000
DCFC, Dual-Port (100kW+ capable of simultaneous charging at this power level)80%$70,000



Enhanced IncentivesCEO Maximum FundingMaximum Additional Incentive 
Income Qualified Enhanced Incentive (Per Port)*90%+$1,250
Enhanced Incentive for Qualified Entities in Disproportionately Impacted Communities (Per Port)**90%+$500










*For the Income Qualified (IQ) enhanced incentive, applicants can qualify through established programs, including: Housing Choice (Section 8) Vouchers, Low Income Public Housing, HUD Subsidized Project Based Section 8, Low Income Housing Tax Credit, Multifamily Housing (MFH) operated by a Housing Authority, etc.

**For the Disproportionately Impacted Community (DI) enhanced incentive, eligible applicants must be located within a disproportionately impacted community and be a Qualifying Entity type, which includes: Libraries, community centers, rec centers, nonprofit organizations, schools, public entities installing charging for the specific use of the public, places of worship, and multifamily housing (MFH) IQ eligible organizations. For Qualifying Entities, applicants can determine if their address is eligible for the DI enhanced incentive using the Transportation Equity Screening Tool.


Standard Application Timeline

The next standard application round will begin on May 13, 2024, and end on June 14, 2024, at 5:00 PM MT. CEO anticipates awarding approximately $3M total during this round.

Standard Application Round Timeline
Application period opens May 13, 2024
Question submittal deadlineMay 20, 2024, 5:00 PM MT
Q&A responses postedMay 24, 2024, 5:00 PM MT
Application deadlineJune 14, 2024, 5:00 PM MT
Award notificationsEstimated August 2024


All Charge Ahead Colorado applications must be submitted online through the application portal

Apply Here - Online Application Portal

Applicants must create an account in the online portal to submit an application.

For preparation purposes, Word formatted versions of the standard and rolling application are available for download. Please use the online application portal above to submit your application:

Please note: There is a 3,000 character limit per question. Additionally, applications cannot be edited or updated once fully submitted. Applicants are therefore strongly encouraged to use the Word formatted application preparation documents above to prepare their responses and then to copy and paste them into the online application portal when ready.

Applications will not be accepted via email or physical submission such as mail.


Contact Information

For more information about Charge Ahead Colorado, contact Zahra Al-Saloom, Colorado Energy Office, at zahra.al-saloom@state.co.us or (720) 682-7693.

Sign-up for future updates or announcements on the Charge Ahead Program

Charge Ahead Colorado has three (3) standard application funding rounds per year - in January, May and September. All public and private entities interested in installing Level 2 or DCFC stations may apply, however, CEO will prioritize projects at workplaces, multifamily housing, and tourist destinations and in disproportionately impacted communities. 

The likely maximum award that will be provided during a single standard application round is $250,000 per applicant, per round.

Prior to applying for funding, we encourage applicants seeking DCFC stations or large projects (multiple DCFCs, more than 30 L2 charging ports, etc.) to reach out to CEO staff via Office Hours or their local ReCharge coach for additional information on appropriate project scale, location, and power levels. Office Hours are not available during standard application rounds, though ReCharge Colorado coaches can still offer coaching at these times.

Applicants that are a Qualifying Entity, workplace, or multifamily housing community can use the Charge Ahead Colorado rolling application all year-round, on an ongoing basis when applying for six (6) L2 charging ports or fewer, as long as the charging stations are primarily intended for employee or resident use. Charge Ahead Colorado rolling application decisions are made monthly.

All applicants will be required to incorporate Accessible Design features, per the Access Board, in order to qualify for Charge Ahead Colorado grant funding.

All applicants must also provide the minimum match requirement to be eligible for Charge Ahead Colorado grant funding, which is either 10% or 20% of total eligible project costs depending on the organization’s eligibility for the Disproportionately Impacted and Income Qualified enhanced incentives.

Fleet charging, charging for deeded or assigned parking spaces, and single family homes are not eligible for grant funding. Applicants planning to request funding for fleet charging stations must instead apply through the Fleet-ZERO program.

Please see the Application Guide for more information, including a full program overview and additional details and definitions regarding eligibility, match, accessible design requirements, and scoring criteria.

During every standard application round, for the 1st week after the round opens, CEO will have a formal Q&A period where questions can be submitted through the Charge Ahead Colorado Q&A Form. CEO will post public responses to all of the questions received during the Q&A period 3 days after the Q&A period closes. The May Q&A period closed May 20. Responses are available in the folder linked below, which also includes responses from previous Q&A periods.

View Charge Ahead Colorado Q&A Responses

Charge Ahead Colorado will not fund retroactive projects. Projects must seek approval for funding through the application process and receive notice of an award and an executed Small Dollar Grant Award from CEO prior to implementing or contracting for any aspect of a project that will be submitted for reimbursement.

Charge Ahead Colorado does not have preferred or qualified vendors though vendors must meet minimum Reporting Requirements as identified in Section VIII of the Application Guide. Vendors that have participated in CEO’s vendor training can be found on the CEO Vendor List.

If you are a vendor that would like to be added to CEO’s trained vendor list and can meet the program's minimum Reporting Requirements per the Application Guide, please fill out the CEO Vendor Agreement & Questionnaire.

Since its inception in 2013, the Charge Ahead Colorado grant program has made awards for more than 2,000 EV charging stations across the state. Historically, the program was jointly administered by the Regional Air Quality Council and the Colorado Energy Office. The program became solely administered by CEO in 2022. 

Beginning in October 2022, the Colorado Energy Office implemented new incentives for 19 - 49 kW charging stations, as well as enhanced incentives for Income Qualified, and Disproportionately Impacted Communities.

Details on charging stations and EV growth in Colorado can be found at EValuateCO. To find a list of charging stations near you, visit the Alternative Fuels Data Center or PlugShare.