This page includes links to the EV Equity Study and two data tools created for the Colorado Energy Office to 1) explore key electrification and equity indicators and 2) support prioritization in EV planning efforts.
EV Equity Study
The EV Equity Study (appendices) identifies barriers to electric vehicle access and addresses opportunities for a more equity-centered approach to transportation electrification and stakeholder engagement in Colorado. The report measures and maps current electric vehicle registration, accessibility, and vehicle emission impacts in Colorado communities, and proposes criteria by which to evaluate and prioritize future electric vehicle programming and outreach. It also provides tools that will support the State in implementing recommended equity-centered practices. The purpose of this study, originally proposed in the Colorado 2020 EV Plan, is to help State agencies ensure that the benefits of vehicle electrification are available to all Coloradans.
The executive summary of this report is included in both English and Spanish.
EV Equity Dashboard
The EV Equity Dashboard includes a landing page that shows EV registration trends on a year-over-year basis and the locations of investments made under three transportation electrification programs. The landing page links to eight different views that provide statewide maps of socioeconomic characteristics, health indicators, vehicle registration, charging infrastructure, modeled travel behavior and traffic estimates, and utility rates. On each map view, a user can filter data using drop down menus, and find specific information on a particular geography by hovering over locations on the map.
Note that with respect to equity, the dashboard includes both socioeconomic characteristics that are included in the CO EV Equity study’s EV Equity Community prioritization index (including people of color, people with a disability, limited English proficiency, cost-burdened households, overcrowded households, households in poverty, unemployed workers, multifamily housing, transportation costs, zero- and single-vehicle households, job access via a 30-minute transit score, and AllTransit score), as well as communities identified as disproportionately impacted communities under HB21-1266.
EV Prioritization Tool
The EV Equity Prioritization Tool includes all of the data in the dashboard and allows that data to be used to prioritize spending for specific programs. Users of this tool are able to create their own prioritization indexes and assign custom weights to evaluate applications for funding under different electrification programs in Colorado. The tool also shows how individual counties score according to the customized indexes. The raw data at the block group level is transferrable from the spreadsheet to other data and mapping programs and could be updated as input datasets are refreshed in future years.
To access the tool, click the file below to open with Microsoft Excel: