Local Government Electric Vehicle Readiness Planning Grants


Note: The Colorado Energy Office is no longer providing funding for Electric Vehicle (EV) readiness grants; however, the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation has a number of planning resources for local governments interested in EV Readiness. 

Drive Clean Colorado (DCC)’s Charging Smart program is a technical assistance and certification program to support local governments and provide tools to facilitate and speed deployment of electric vehicles. Contact DCC to learn more about this opportunity.


Program Background

Local governments are uniquely positioned to advance emission reduction strategies in buildings, energy generation, and transportation. The Polis Administration’s Roadmap to 100% Renewable Energy By 2040 and Bold Climate Action acknowledges that local governments “…have significant authority over building codes, transportation investments, and other key clean energy policy levers.” The Roadmap calls for local governments to lead by example, and for the State of Colorado to support local government electric vehicle (EV) planning and investment in rural EV charging infrastructure. 

The readiness plans developed through this grant program support the 2020 Colorado Electric Vehicle Plan target of 940,000 EVs on the road by 2030 and numerous local, state, and federal climate action plans  to increase use of electric vehicles throughout the region.

In addition to the numerous environmental benefits of an EV readiness plan, there are also economic benefits for local communities, including new revenue sources and fuel and maintenance cost savings for community members.