Industrial Strategic Energy Management


Note: This program is no longer active

We encourage industrial operations and others to reach out to their utility provider to see if a similar offering is available. Please also see additional resources below.



Evaporative Cooler Inspection

The significant energy demands of the industrial sector come with considerable economic and environmental costs. According to the Colorado Energy Office's 2017 report, Industrial Energy Efficiency and Distributed Generation Opportunities in Colorado, major industrial operations account for one-third of total energy consumption in the U.S. and over $740 million in annual energy costs in Colorado.

Through the utilization of the CEO's Industrial Strategic Energy Management (I-SEM) program, which sunset on June 30, 2023, eleven industrial organizations consistently saved 5% or more on annual energy costs. The ISEM program targeted energy performance improvements through low to no-cost operations, maintenance, and behavioral opportunities that can be maintained year over year. In addition to identifying low-hanging fruit projects, this program built organizational resiliency and business continuity by establishing & utilizing organizational structures such as energy teams, energy policies, and employee engagement.


Additional Energy & Emission Resources

We are also finalizing the development of the following two resources, which will be made available on this webpage in July 2023.

  1. An Energy & Emissions Resource Guidebook for Industry will guide organizations through the available utility, state, and federal decarbonization project funding opportunities, technical assistance resources, and energy management program offerings.
  2. An Industrial Strategic Energy Management Toolkit will provide Energy Managers with a set of resources and templates to reference & utilize to develop and deepen energy management practices.


Please reach out to Wil Mannes at wil.mannes@state.co.us